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Bette Lou Higgins

Bette Lou Higgins's Public Lists

  • American History Class (136)

    From Sea To Shining Sea (America's Story) CCC Encore class information

    Created: Jan 30, 09 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Art/Clipart/Photos (12)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Business (24)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Careers (26)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Computer Information (94)

    general information about using the computer for marketing, how to write for web sites, places with computer classes, etc.

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Dan Emmett (12)

    Dan Emmett's music and specifically information about his song "Dixie's Land" AKA "Dixie"

    Created: Aug 13, 10 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Education (47)

    sites with general education information; free classes

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Emma Gatewood (13)

    Created: Jul 19, 10 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Golden Gate Bridge (10)

    History of the Golden Gate Bridge

    Created: Jan 23, 09 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Great Lakes (25)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • History -- General (151)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • History -- People (43)

    Sites with biographical information

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • marketing and networking (6)

    sites regarding online sales and networking techniques

    Created: Feb 04, 09 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Miscellaneous (30)

    General lists for where to find things

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • museums and historical societies (4)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Music (24)

    sites for music history information

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Ohio History (73)

    General Ohio History sites

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • Productivity and self-help (4)

    Created: Nov 07, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • reference (21)

    Created: Nov 21, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

  • science and inventions (16)

    Created: Nov 20, 08 Modified: Mar 29, 15

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