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Birgit Ferran's List: Books & literature

    • These days nobody knows quite who to blame for this, although novelist Tom McGuane, who moved here nearly three decades ago, certainly had a lot to do with it, playing a role in attracting several of his writer friends to the area, including the late poet Richard Brautigan; novelist / screenwriter William Hjortsberg; and Russell Chatham, who is renowned for writing as well as for his magnificent landscapes arid for Livingston's five-star restaurant, Chatham's Livingston Bar and Grille.
    • These days nobody knows quite who to blame for this, although novelist Tom McGuane, who moved here nearly three decades ago, certainly had a lot to do with it, playing a role in attracting several of his writer friends to the area, including the late poet Richard Brautigan; novelist / screenwriter William Hjortsberg; and Russell Chatham, who is renowned for writing as well as for his magnificent landscapes arid for Livingston's five-star restaurant, Chatham's Livingston Bar and Grille.
    • Writer Richard Ford was born in Jackson, Mississippi in 1944 and received a B.A. from Michigan State University. He attended law school at Washington University in St Louis for one semester but quit, ultimately, to pursue a career in writing. He received a M.F.A. from the University of California at Irvine (studying under E.L. Doctorow and Oakley Hall).  Ford has published five novels: A Piece of My Heart, The Ultimate Good Luck, The Sportswriter, Wildlife and Independence Day (which in 1996 was the first novel to win both the Pulitzer Prize and the PEN/Faulkner Award). He has also published three story collections: Rock Springs, Women with Men and in February 2002, A Multitude of Sins. In addition to his own writing, Richard Ford has edited anthologies such as The Granta Book of the American Long Story, The Granta Book of The American Short Story and The Complete Stories of Anton Chekov, among others.  Ford has received numerous awards, been published in a wide array of American magazines and has taught at various universities around the USA. He nominally lives in New Orleans with his wife, Kristina, to whom he has dedicated all his books. Richard Ford also keeps residences in Mississippi, Montana and Maine. He is at work on the third Frank Bascombe novel (The Sportswriter, Independence Day...)
    • Writer Richard Ford was born in Jackson, Mississippi in 1944 and received a B.A. from Michigan State University. He attended law school at Washington University in St Louis for one semester but quit, ultimately, to pursue a career in writing. He received a M.F.A. from the University of California at Irvine (studying under E.L. Doctorow and Oakley Hall).  Ford has published five novels: A Piece of My Heart, The Ultimate Good Luck, The Sportswriter, Wildlife and Independence Day (which in 1996 was the first novel to win both the Pulitzer Prize and the PEN/Faulkner Award). He has also published three story collections: Rock Springs, Women with Men and in February 2002, A Multitude of Sins. In addition to his own writing, Richard Ford has edited anthologies such as The Granta Book of the American Long Story, The Granta Book of The American Short Story and The Complete Stories of Anton Chekov, among others.  Ford has received numerous awards, been published in a wide array of American magazines and has taught at various universities around the USA. He nominally lives in New Orleans with his wife, Kristina, to whom he has dedicated all his books. Richard Ford also keeps residences in Mississippi, Montana and Maine. He is at work on the third Frank Bascombe novel (The Sportswriter, Independence Day...)
    • Andre Dubus III has worked as a private investigator, corrections counselor and bounty hunter — and various other jobs. As an actor, he has appeared in numerous stage plays and three independent films. He is also a general contractor and carpenter. Andre also teaches writing at Tufts University and Emerson College in the Boston area and is the author of one story collection, The Cage Keeper and other Stories, and two novels, Bluesman and most recently, House of Sand and Fog (which was a finalist for the 1999 National Book Award). Dubus has garnered other distinctions, including a Push Cart Prize and a 1985 National Magazine Award for Fiction. He has also been published in Best American Essays 1994, The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times Book Review and numerous literary reviews. Andre Dubus III is the son of the acclaimed and recently deceased writer Andre Dubus. He lives in Newburyport, MA, with his wife and three children.
    • Andre Dubus III has worked as a private investigator, corrections counselor and bounty hunter — and various other jobs. As an actor, he has appeared in numerous stage plays and three independent films. He is also a general contractor and carpenter. Andre also teaches writing at Tufts University and Emerson College in the Boston area and is the author of one story collection, The Cage Keeper and other Stories, and two novels, Bluesman and most recently, House of Sand and Fog (which was a finalist for the 1999 National Book Award). Dubus has garnered other distinctions, including a Push Cart Prize and a 1985 National Magazine Award for Fiction. He has also been published in Best American Essays 1994, The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times Book Review and numerous literary reviews. Andre Dubus III is the son of the acclaimed and recently deceased writer Andre Dubus. He lives in Newburyport, MA, with his wife and three children.
    • Writer, poet, performance artist Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago. She is the only girl in a family of seven of a Mexican father and Mexican-American mother. She received an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and has worked as a teacher to high-school dropouts, a poet-in-the-schools, a college recruiter and an arts administrator. She has received, among other awards and fellowships, the Lannan Literary Award, The American Book Award and a MacArthur Foundation fellowship. Sandra Cisneros has published Bad Boys, My Wicked Wicked Ways, Loose Woman, House on Mango Street, Hair/Pelitos and now Caramelo. She lives in San Antonio, Texas.
    • Writer, poet, performance artist Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago. She is the only girl in a family of seven of a Mexican father and Mexican-American mother. She received an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and has worked as a teacher to high-school dropouts, a poet-in-the-schools, a college recruiter and an arts administrator. She has received, among other awards and fellowships, the Lannan Literary Award, The American Book Award and a MacArthur Foundation fellowship. Sandra Cisneros has published Bad Boys, My Wicked Wicked Ways, Loose Woman, House on Mango Street, Hair/Pelitos and now Caramelo. She lives in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Jan 10, 09

    Los Angeles Times, April 20, 2004

    Stone. Water. Insect. Fish. Sunlight: These five things -- what David James Duncan calls the links of the 'Idiot Joy Chain' -- flow through the stream-conscious works of the trout literati, from Hemingway to even Dr. Seuss.

  • Dec 26, 08

    includes a reference to Richard Brautigan: I had one very good English teacher, who introduced me to one of the best books ever, “To Kill A Mockingbird.” I also read Richard Brautigan’s strange little poems and began imitating him. I knew I wanted to be a writer. But I wasn’t reading like a writer, I was reading like a reader. Believe me, it’s much, much better not to read like a writer. If there’s one real downside to being a writer it’s that you can never really go back to being that pure reader you once were. Your writer brain is hard to click off. You’re always aware of the language, the craft, the shape of something, and this awareness most often prevents you from sinking down deeply into a story like you could when you were small. And your standards get ridiculously high because you’re so aware of all the tricks of the trade.

  • Oct 05, 08

    Create a Collaborative Photo Book Online! Create a book with turning pages. Upload images from your computer or from web. Embed into any webpage.

  • Oct 05, 08

    Create books with turning pages. Direct link to flickr for images.

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