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Henry Kessler's List: Christian Wicca

  • Jan 11, 09

    Welcome to -- the award-winning
    personal homepage of Hamza Darrell Grizzle, a large
    but friendly Grateful Bear. Explorations in Creation
    Spirituality, poetry, healing, interfaith dialogue, Queer Spirituality, and more.

  • Jan 11, 09

    Welcome to my home on the web. I hope you enjoy your visit
    and find something that will help you on your journey.

    The contents of this website are my own opinions and personal
    beliefs. I cannot speak for any other person on this or any other path.
    I don't claim to have the absolute truth or all the anwers.

    Each person walks a spiritual path as unique to them as their own
    fingerprint. This site may help you find your way, or it may not, but if
    you continue to seek, you will find what you are looking for.

    "...In our hearts we hold the keys. Don't be afraid to unlock the door.
    there are no endings, only new beginnings."

    Whatever path you are on, may you walk it in peace, and thanks
    for visiting!

    Zoë Grace =)

  • Jan 11, 09

    Hello, my name is Ana and I am the creator of the alternate freewebs page Poison_Doll and, due to the file space on that account running low I decided that it would simply be best to make an alternate account on which I would discuss and explain my faith-- Christopaganism.

    This will be the place where I shall speak on my personal faith; my strange blend of Christianity and Paganism.

    The purpose of this site is not to alter your own beliefs nor to force mine upon anyone else. Simply to give my point of view on things and 'educate'; in the hopes that misconceptions will be lost.

  • Jan 11, 09

    The Order of The Astral Star, Inc. is an organization of High Ceremonial & Ritual Magickians that maintains a theological basis in Esoteric Christian Mysticism. The Order was founded in Central Kentucky on November 1st,1980. The Order of The Astral Star was incorporated as a non-profit religious and fraternal corporation in The Commonwealth of Kentucky on the Vernal Equinox, 1993.

  • Jan 11, 09

    About This Site

    This site began as a personal religious journal. My goal was to find open-minded individuals with similar beliefs and to let the world know that it is possible to incorporate aspects of multiple religions into your own personal religion.

    I named the site "The Christian Witch" because the first two religions that I drew elements from to combine were Christianity (the religion I grew up with) and Witchcraft (the first non-Christian religion I studied in depth).

    Since the creation of this site my beliefs have expanded to include elements of other religions, philosophies, and scientific theories as well. As I studied science, I realized that anything is possible, but that also means that it's possible for things to be impossible. I realized that I will never truly know what happens in the afterlife until I die. I will never truly know the nature of God, until I personally meet him/her. I read all the books I wish. I can talk to all the gurus and spiritual leaders I can find. I can meditate for the rest of my life. None of that, though, will give me the real answers, only ideas, opinions, and theories.

    I am no longer a Christian, a Christo Wiccan, or a Christo Eclectic. I am a free-thinker, not tied to any path but the one that falls under my feet. However, I realize how much this site has helped hundreds (if not more) of individuals looking for a comfortable spiritual path, so I leave here for them.

    The best path is the path for you.

    Before You Explore . . .

    This is not a site that intends to change your beliefs or assume any type of religious authority. Everyone's spiritual path is unique.

    Parents: If you do not want your children to view this site or are afraid that they will be influenced by being exposed to religious ideas other than your own, please monitor their Internet use.

  • Jan 17, 06

    Trinitarian Wicca is the correct name of the tradition often generalized into a practice called Christian Wicca. Trinitarian Wicca is a path of American Wicca (or Non-British Traditional Wicca) that works exclusively with the Christian Pantheon. This tradition is not eclectic nor is it ChristoPagan; Trinitarian practitioners celebrate the Wiccan faith, but cannot be considered ChristoPagan because their devotion lies exclusively with the Christian pantheon and the celebration it's many trinities.

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