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Alli Tepperberg's List: Hormones in food

  • Oct 15, 13

    Hormones in food: should you worry? [Internet]. United Kingdom, The Huffington Post Edition: U.S.; 2011. [modified 2011 May; cited 2013 Nov 4]. Available from:

    After looking through the many articles and websites about growth hormones in the food system, this article from The Huffington Post proved to be extremely valuable because it describes the dangerous effects for humans that occur when there are left over hormones in meat and dairy. This article is an edited syndication style of resource that explains what growth hormones are and why they are given to livestock. From this, the article begins to give details about the different types of growth hormones and the consequences that can occur with overconsumption. The main example that the article uses to prove the consequences of growth hormones is the rise in the number of young girls reaching puberty at an earlier age. The author gives quotes from numerous doctors that reach the same conclusion about entering puberty at a younger age, and describe facts from researched data. The end of the article concludes with a few paragraphs on whether or not it is worth it to spend the extra money buying organic meat that guarantees no added growth hormones. One particular doctor said it is more beneficial to cut meat out of one's diet completely. This fact was particularly interesting because it is very similar to the theory in the documentary, Forks Over Knives, which believes that the only way to take away all health risks is to completely remove meat from one's diet.

    Overall, this source is very valuable to further the debate about the harmful effects of food additives. The article gives clear factual information about hormones in meat as well as evidence proving the data.The article is also very helpful because there are specific examples of the hormones that are described. This article is particularly useful because there are quotes directly from professors and doctors that support the argument against hormones in food. Although a lot of the information in this web article may be biased due to the little discussion about the benefits of hormones, this resource can still extend the argument and give useful support towards the harmful effects of food additives.

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