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Angela Robitaille's List: Nurturing Nature: The Endangered Checkerspot Butterfly

  • Introduction

    The Maryland Checkerspot butterfly needs your help! We need to work together as a community to find ways to help this endangered species. In order to help the Checkerspot butterfly, you must think about two essential questions: why is the Checkerspot butterfly endangered and how can we solve this problem and help the Checkerspot butterfly survive? There is information you must gather and many questions you must think about in order to answer these essential questions. Use the resources below to help you.

  • Mar 02, 14

    Use this webpage and resources to find information about the Checkerspots' habitat, diet, life cycle, comparison to other butterflies, and reasons for it being endangered. Where does the Checkerspot live and why? How does this butterfly live and grow? Why is the Checkerspot butterfly endangered?

  • Mar 02, 14

    Use this webpage to find information about the Maryland Checkerspot butterfly and the White Turtlehead plant. What makes this butterfly special? Why is the Turtlehead plant so important to the Checkerspot butterfly? What parts of the Turtlehead plant does the Checkerspot butterfly use?

  • Mar 03, 14

    Use this website to find information about animals that are endangered. What does the word endangered mean? What causes animals to become endangered? How can we help these endangered animals?

  • Mar 08, 14

    Use this website to find information about how other children are helping the environment. Use the ideas shared on this website to brainstorm your ideas for helping the Checkerspot butterfly. How are the ideas on this website the same and different? How can these ideas help you think of ideas for helping the Checkerspot butterfly? What creative way can you get others involved in helping the Checkerspot butterfly?

  • Mar 03, 14

    Use NetTrekker and search the word butterflies to find butterfly websites that will give ideas about how to help butterflies. Use the username and password provided in the Parent Letter to access information on this website. What makes an insect a butterfly? How does a Checkerspot butterfly compare to a Monarch butterfly? How are other endangered animals being saved? How can we help the Checkerspot butterfly?

  • Mar 02, 14

    Read, Write, Think will help you find creative ways to share your findings and get people involved with helping the Checkerspot butterfly. These activities will walk you through presenting the information you found. What information should I share about my topic? How can I share my findings with others? What creative way will get others interested in my findings about the Checkerspot butterfly?

  • Mar 02, 14

    Use the information on this webpage to learn more about the Turtlehead plant. Where is the best place for Turtlehead plants to live? What does this plant need to survive? How can the deer eating up all the Turtlehead plants be a problem for the Checkerspot butterfly?

  • Mar 02, 14

    Use this webpage and resources to find information about White-tailed deer. How did the the White-tailed deer get its name? Where do White-tailed deer live? If White-tailed deer are a problem in Maryland for the Checkerspot butterfly, what can we do about the deer?

  • Mar 03, 14

    Use World Book Kids and search the World of Animals section to find information about Monarch butterflies, White-tailed deer, and plants. Use the username and password provided in the Parent Letter to access the information. How does the Checkerspot butterfly compare to the Monarch butterfly? Why are deer a problem? How is the White-tailed deer connected to the Checkerspot butterfly if the deer's favorite food is the Turtlehead plant?

  • Conclusion

    Did you solve the mystery of the Checkerspot butterfly? I hope you were able to use the resources above to find out why the Checkerspot butterfly is endangered and to brainstorm ideas for how to help the Checkerspot butterfly. I cannot wait to hear your ideas and save the Maryland Checkerspot butterfly!

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