Appropedia - wiki for sustainable solutions
45 items | 3 visits
Highlighted Appropedia pages - interesting and useful pages of a decent quality
Updated on Jun 03, 11
Created on Mar 17, 11
Category: Science
proposed by some people as a partial solution to global warming, but many safety concerns.
Seed balls are a method for distributing seeds by encasing them in a mixture of clay and compost
Includes a data center with a unique cooling system, using Baltic water - very cool and green!
appropriateness to the context (culture, economics, and environment), of all manner of development.
To make change you need the following...
Fungi can be thought of as the primary governors of ecological equilibrium because they control the flow of nutrients.
Design and choice of building materials have a major impact on a building's earthquake safety.
From program monitoring to aid distribution and simple communication.
During the day, sleeping in a tent is like sleeping in a sauna, even with a shade structure. This little solar swamp cooler chills the space enough for me to get a good rest.
The positions below are available throughout 2011. Long and short term positions will be considered.
Growing food in local gardens, to create resilience and to reduce resource use. The term originates in wartime.
designed for World Shelters to use as transitional shelter for people in Haiti affected by the January 2010 Earthquake.
A green building minimizes impact on the environment through resource conservation in the choice of materials, construction methods, and ongoing consumption.
The main purpose of an anaerobic digester (pictured above) is to kill pathogens and reduce the amount of solid waste
Aquaculture is the cultivation of marine or fresh water organisms in a controlled environment for scientific or business purposes.
Appropedia - wiki for sustainable solutions
45 items | 3 visits
Highlighted Appropedia pages - interesting and useful pages of a decent quality
Updated on Jun 03, 11
Created on Mar 17, 11
Category: Science