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  • Oct 13, 12
    Cost: • Schoology, which would cost $50,950 the first year and $37,950 a year after that.

  • First impressions,

    -formed quickly

    -tend to be long-lasting

    -difficult to change

    Circular formation & confirmation (impressions can become self-fulfilling prophecies)

    Don't declare too much, withhold some

    Impression Formation

    -Personal disclosure

    -Social schemas (what is the norm social interaction.)



    personal explanations about the causes of behaviors or events

    2 attributions

    -dispositional (their personality)

    -situational (the environment & situation)





    Situation matters just as much or more than attitude in determining behavior.

    With less sufficient outside justification people will turn to other justifications..

    (instead of "because they paid me": "because it was fun"

    Social Roles


  • First impressions,

    -formed quickly

    -tend to be long-lasting

    -difficult to change

    Circular formation & confirmation (impressions can become self-fulfilling prophecies)

    Don't declare too much, withhold some

    Impression Formation

    -Personal disclosure

    -Social schemas (what is the norm social interaction.)



    personal explanations about the causes of behaviors or events

    2 attributions

    -dispositional (their personality)

    -situational (the environment & situation)





    Situation matters just as much or more than attitude in determining behavior.

    With less sufficient outside justification people will turn to other justifications..

    (instead of "because they paid me": "because it was fun"

    Social Roles


  • Dec 02, 10

    Cite your sources quick and easy. Make an annotated bibliography and save it in google docs.

    • It can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it.
    • There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.
    • powerless
    • . Is there not a sort of blood shed when the conscience is wounded?

    6 more annotations...

    • what is it but a tradition
    • It does

    7 more annotations...

  • 50-MULT's & 4-SA

    some things fundamental to experimental research (proj)

    highlight the main features of

    -froyeds psy. aproach (psychodynamic) (Ch5

    skinner -pavlov -maslow -rogers (what are their perspectives)

    --explain how classical conditioning works & explain the little albert experiment (chart) relevant stimuli and responses (conditioned & unconditioned)

    --name and discuss the for major consequences which function in the process of operant conditioning (reinforcement (+/-) punishment)

    SA=just a short answer.

    Absolute & difference thresholds

    +- reinforcement

    validity & reliability

    sympathetic nervous system (what does it do)

    sensory adaptation

    what is mental retardation

    linguistic relativity hypothesis (the language we use shapes and affects our thinking) ((determines the way we think))

    heuristic & algorithm

    implicit & explicit memory

    perceptual constancy

    sleep cycles

    correlation coefficient

    theories of dreaming(problem solving, froyds, activation)

    master gland (ch2)

    major theory & theorist

    insensory memory

    ethnicity & IQ

    basic components of language

    schedules of reinforcement

    pitch, frequency, place, voly

    define: perception

    what cat. does alcohol and then cafieen

    levels of processing theory

    phonemes & morphemes

    define psychology

    garners model

    parts of a brain cell(dendrite, axion, etc)

    define: IQ MA/CA *100


    stimuli and responses

    receptors & constetic investivular system

    auditory & visual memory

    define: classical conditioning

    spearman purposed about intelegence

    neurons-efforent and afforent

    flashable memories

    conciousness (awake & alert vs awake & relaxed) & brainwaves

    define: language

    different types of research methods

    The brain has ____maj parts. and what they are called

    primary reinforcers

    lobes of the brain(__is to vision as ___is to hearing)

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