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Fabian Alvarez's List: Using Quotes Effectively

    • Try to avoid using long quotations, unless strictly necessary, and always justify the use of any quotation.
    • REMEMBER: you need to make clear why each quotation is necessary and what you


      are doing with it. Never abandon a quotation: you must always address what you quote.


      If quoting from primary material (examples could include a fictional or poetic text, a historical source or a philosophical argument), make it clear how you are interpreting the quoted text, and what it is demonstrating (and perhaps also, how it relates to other quoted text). If quoting from secondary material (examples could include material used to comment on primary material such as theory, critical material, texts books, historical monographs), make clear what your stance is in relation to the material quoted (for example, do you agree with it? Are they expressing a particularly controversial opinion? Are you using the quotation as an example of an idea which comes from a particular critical field?). Do not use quotations from secondary texts merely to say what you would have explained in your own words. Secondary texts only convey opinions, not original evidence, so always treat them critically.

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    • How do I set up and follow up a quotation?
      • This begins the section of the presentation.

    • As few words as possible. Remember, your paper should   primarily contain your own words, so quote only the most pithy and memorable   parts of sources. Here are three guidelines for selecting quoted material   judiciously.
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