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  • The article

    • The following is going around Facebook with the picture of a doctor and a nurse holding down a "mannequin woman." It's obviously BS, but it would be cool to know the history of it.
    • In June of 1972, a woman appeared in Cedar Senai [sic] hospital in nothing but a white, blood-covered gown. Now this, in itself, should not be too surprising as people often have accidents nearby and come to the nearest hospital for medical attention, but there were two things that caused people who saw her to vomit and flee in terror.

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  • Research

    • As much as urban legends are usually 80% bull shit and 20% true, this one has so many details that it creeps you out just to think about it.
    • Nobody saw her ever since and therefore the doctor bled out. The witness could be a nurse that helped him hold the weird creature and therefore the expertise affected her mind. The creature killed three people {who|those that|those who|those that} day - the doctor and 2 alternative men who were unlucky to be in her reply. They received severe bite wounds that caused them to bleed out.
    • So guys, I just found a creepy story from a 9GAG post, then I started to browse the REAL story. and when I said REAL, I mean the ORIGINAL story and stuck in this Creepypasta Wiki page... for you all, who're too lazy to open the page, here is the story
    • However, there is another angle to this(it's just my speculation).
      • This story is said to be true.

    • his story would be something like from a movie if it wasn't well-documented. There's a bunch of people who saw her being admitted (she was an unusual sight). The police had no idea what to do with the case. The official version was that the woman was some kind of a psychopath that sharpened her teeth and acted feral. The nurse that survived claims that it didn't look or act human. It was more like a mannequin and only resembled a human being. Her moves were also very... awkward. She is said to bend her neck in weird angles while looking at the people around her during the moments she was calm.

      What the hell was it? I guess no one there figured it out, and it wasn't seen in public for over 40 years. The best bet would be either a demon (like the nurse claimed, among other weird stuff) or it actually was some weirdo that got away from someone's house. Maybe somebody made her like that - the sharpened teeth and shit. Maybe it turned someone on to raise a little monster. Who knows?

      • THIS IS A BLOG

    • here is a lot of evidence both for and against the Expressionless Woman incident. First off, examine the appearance. The necessary plastic surgery to present such an appearance wasn't readily available in 1972. However, it is possible to cleanly shave the facial hair and create that same appearance with available cosmetics at the time. Also, she was wearing a bloody white robe. Given a lack of description, I am going to presume that it was some form of medical robe of the sort that was used during that time period in both hospitals and research facilities. In the picture, the clothing shown is not bloody indicating that they either changed her robe or the picture was simply a recreation.

    •  Next, consider her state when found. It sounds to me like she was in some sort of catatonic or near-catatonic state as she did not provide resistance until the threat of sedation was presented.
  • Cedar Senai

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