13 items | 3 visits
Software tools and services to make easier the life of software developers (mostly).
Updated on Dec 07, 14
Created on Oct 31, 14
Category: Not Categorized
Precompiled Ruby binaries for several Unix-like system distributions.
Software packaging service. Aids the distribution of software over multiple Unix-like systems creating packages that can be handled by their own software managing solutions.
Futursocope is a simple library that implements futures in ruby. Futures are a concurrency pattern meant to help you deal with threads in a simple, transparent way.
It's specially useful in situations where you have calls to an expensive resource that could be done in parallel (they are not chained), but you don't wanna deal with low-level threads. HTTP calls are a good example.
Also useful when you want to spin up a process that runs in the background, do some stuff in the middle, and wait for that process to return.
TomDoc is a code documentation specification that helps you write precise documentation that is nice to read in plain text, yet structured enough to be automatically extracted and processed by a machine.
An implementation of Ruby designed for concurrency using native threads to run Ruby code on all the CPU cores.
Rubinius runs Ruby code fast with a low-pause generational garbage collector and LLVM-based just-in-time (JIT) native machine code compiler.
The Rubinius core library and tools are built using Ruby, making a smaller, consistent system that's easier for Ruby programmers to understand and modify.
IP-based virtual hosts use the IP address of the connection to determine the correct virtual host to serve. Therefore you need to have a separate IP address for each host.
With name-based virtual hosting, the server relies on the client to report the hostname as part of the HTTP headers. Using this technique, many different hosts can share the same IP address.
Name-based virtual hosting is usually simpler, since you need only configure your DNS server to map each hostname to the correct IP address and then configure the Apache HTTP Server to recognize the different hostnames. Name-based virtual hosting also eases the demand for scarce IP addresses. Therefore you should use name-based virtual hosting unless you are using equipment that explicitly demands IP-based hosting. Historical reasons for IP-based virtual hosting based on client support are no longer applicable to a general-purpose web server.
RailsBricks enables you to create Rails apps much faster by automating mundane setup tasks and configuring useful common gems for you.
Do you pine for a simpler time when web pages loaded in under one second? Chicago Boss is the answer to slow server software: a Rails-like framework for Erlang that delivers web pages to your users as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality.
A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software. The essential Ruby to build modern Apps and Web Apps.
Scribble is a customer facing template language similar to Liquid. Scribble was written in Ruby and can be used in any Ruby or Ruby on Rails project. It takes a template file, consisting of text and Scribble tags and transforms it into text. Scribble can be used to transform any plain text format like HTML, Markdown, JSON, XML or plain text. Customer facing means that it is safe to use Scribble to run/evaluate user provided templates.
13 items | 3 visits
Software tools and services to make easier the life of software developers (mostly).
Updated on Dec 07, 14
Created on Oct 31, 14
Category: Not Categorized