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Adam Clark's List: Eye Witness Testimony Resources

  • Sep 06, 14

    Begin your exploration of issues around eye-witness testimony with this presentation. It was developed with the United States a few years ago but illustrates the issues around this issue.

  • Sep 07, 14

    "Click here to observe an event.
    After viewing the event, click here to view a lineup.
    Can you identify the bomber on the roof from the lineup?
    Click on the number of the lineup member you identified."

    This one takes a few minutes to watch since the download speed of the videos is slow but it is an interesting experiment with this topic.

  • The really interesting thing about this is that it is a suspect-absent lineup. It'll be up to you whether or not to make "not present" an option. If you don't, maybe only 5% of the students will spontaneously do it. They'll all assume he's in the lineup and will use the relative judgment strategy (pick the person most closely resembling whom they remember). I find that even when I provide the "not present" option, few students take it.  
  • Sep 07, 14

    This is a very short demonstration for eyewitness testimony, but it's pretty effective in that students give a wide range of descriptions from the video.

  • Sep 08, 14

    If you've ever watched a television show where detectives are trying to solve a crime, you know that a lot of their job centers around interviewing suspects and eyewitnesses. Many times, in real life and in television, a guilty verdict is given if an eyewitness testifies that they saw the accused. But how reliable are eyewitness accounts?

    Many studies have been done that have shown that eyewitness accounts are not always accurate. There are many reasons why this is true, but the one that intrigues social psychologists the most is when eyewitnesses believe that they remember what they saw but are wrong. Why would someone remember seeing someone driving a car involved in a hit-and-run, for example, even though that person is somewhere on the opposite side of town?

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