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Sometimes I feel like a Blockchain sales rep rathe

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Sometimes I feel like a Blockchain sales rep rather than #Bitcoin evangelist.
  • balanceblind
    balanceblind on 2022-05-30
    I can tell you that your friends may be right because it's pretty easy to get scammed if you don't work with reliable sources and carefully choose the strategy you're working with. It took me a while before I managed to learn about this project, and my family thought it was a bad idea, but I can tell you that many investors believe it has high potential.
  • anthonymorgan1
    anthonymorgan1 on 2022-05-30
    Oh, that's true. My friends think I'm crazy because I'm investing in something like that, and they're sure I'll lose a lot.

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Mark Pesce

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on Mar 28, 14