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Unkept Promises in Egypt

By: The Washington Post, November 13, 2005 ONE OF THE modestly positive features of Egypt's unfree presidential election two months ago was the set of promises made by the 77-year-old incumbent, Hosni Mubarak, on his way to being awarded a six-year-extension of his 24 years in power. Mr. Mubarak, a de facto dictator up until now, promised to allow a free press and independent judiciary, lift emergency laws that stifle political activity, and reduce presidential powers in favor of a more freely elected parliament. In short, he offered the prospect of a slow but steady journey by Egypt toward liberal democracy. The first test of his commitments, and of the country's direction, came last week, with the beginning of parliamentary elections. The results so far are discouraging.

Egypt Middle East and North Africa Hosni Mubarak election free freedom of press

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