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Iran: Picking Fights on Purpose?

By: The Shadowland Journal, October 31, 2005 The Associated Press is reporting that Iran's ruling class is split over the wisdom of President Mahmoud Ahmadi'nejad's boilerplate diatribe against Israel. It's "a disgraceful blot" that ought to be "wiped off the map," he said last Wednesday. After a general uproar at the United Nations, including calls that Iran be expelled for advocating the obliteration of a member state, Ahmadi'nejad claimed his line was exactly the same as the Ayatollah Khomeini's -- as if that made it better. Persian blogwatcher Nasrin Alavi sends this impassioned note: Hello Chris, Just when I thought it was impossible, Ahmadi'nejad has again outdone his hostile stance with vile comments that Israel "must be wiped out from the map of the world". DD 11.01.2005

iran Middle East and North Africa

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