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Sara G N Kerr 's List: Introduction to Social Media

    • Creating stellar content for your marketing is great. But great content doesn’t (quite) distribute itself. It needs vehicles for people to pass it along,
    • Social media has grown so explosively because connection is probably the deepest drive we have. The campfire gives us a place to share information about the day’s hunt, a forum to air out the tribe’s differences, even a place for us to consider new and better ways to build campfires.


      No, it’s not a utopian picture. Our campfires are places for bickering and malice as much as for inspiration and community. But without a connecting place, without a central spot to bring us together for conversation, there is no tribe.


      Our gathering places are never perfect. They’re human. Which is what makes them so extraordinary

      • Here’s the part where you either roll your eyes and leave in disgust or read on and potentially change your game. Make your decision.


        Schwartz describes sitting at his writing desk five days a week. It was a cluttered disaster, but he had a ritual and he never wrote anywhere else.


        He’d have his coffee on the left, with a little cream mixed in, and a few pens on his right, displayed just so.


        He’d turn to his machine and the ad he was working on (admittedly, he didn’t have to worry about Twitter back then).


        Then he’d set the small timer for 33.33 minutes.


        Once that timer was set, there were only a few simple rules:

        1. He could drink coffee
        3. He could stare out the window, or at the wall
        5. He could sit and do absolutely nothing for 33.33 minutes
        7. He could write the ad
        9. He could not leave the chair for any reason
        11. He could not do anything else

        That’s it. He just sat in front of his open page with research notes and a skeleton outline on it.


        He’d usually sit in that chair for a few minutes until he got bored, and then he’d slowly start typing.


        When the timer went off, he’d stop — even if mid-sentence — and go do anything he wanted for 10 or 15 minutes. Then he’d go back and do it again.

    • Are you curious what successful companies are actually doing to gain social media success?


      You’ve come to the right place. This article highlights nine companies (big and small) that have transformed their online presence by implementing innovative social media marketing.

    • Look at the tactics these companies employ and don’t concentrate too much on the target audience. It doesn’t matter whom you’re targeting—these tactics will work for just about any business… so let’s dive in!
    • No-one has benefited more than small businesses.
    • Almost all marketers find that social media helps them stand out in an increasingly noisy marketplace

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  • May 28, 11

    "Social media marketing might be something your company is just getting started with. You have established that the fish, your customers are using it. They are using it for sharing information, keeping tabs with friends and family, and most importantly using it for making important research and purchasing decisions. You should have a set of objective and goals created before you just throw up a Twitter or Facebook account and start broadcasting to an empty silo. Social media, unlike other forms of online marketing is a two-way form of communication. This is where a lot of beginners miss the boat, they broadcast about me rather than about we. In no particular order, listed below are ten general tips for online marketing. This is basic 101 stuff, but it’s applicable to newbies, or anyone just needing a refresher."

    • 1. Register brand names and create online identity:
    • The social media platforms we will use to create awareness, identity and community should have the same vanity urls, handle-names, logos, and overall look-smell-and-feel as the rest of our digital assets. Our messaging needs to be clear and concise. It all starts with our digital properties and corresponding hyperlinks.

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  • May 28, 11

    Social media is growing up fast. No longer a niche plaything of the digerati, social media is firmly entrenched as a societal game changer of historical importance. For many, social media and social networking are so ubiquitous and pervasive that we presume we have it figured out, that we have a finger firmly on the pulse. But we don’t. Data about how social media really works, who uses it and how, continues to surprise.

    • 1. More People Are Active on Social Networks Than Are Not
    • 2. Twitter is a Tiny Sliver

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  • May 28, 11

    Getting started with social media, whether for personal or professional use, requires learning the basic fundamentals. Social media is more than just creating a blog or Twitter account. The tools are great and give us big advantages, but they are simply extensions of how we engage and participate in social media, they are not the answers. The social in social media is all about the human element. This post touches upon 40 key elements to aid your success.

    • Getting started with social media, whether for personal or professional use, requires learning the basic fundamentals. Social media is more than just creating a blog or Twitter account. The tools are great and give us big advantages, but they are simply extensions of how we engage and participate in social media, they are not the answers. The social in social media is all about the human element. This post touches upon 40 key elements to aid your success.
    • 1) Register your domain name

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  • May 28, 11

    "Redesigning a website can be a lengthy, complicated process. Done properly, it can give a dramatic boost to your online presence. Over the years I’ve had the pleasure, and pain, of being a part of several redesign projects.

    Here is a checklist for website redesign, a series of steps that developers will go through in a successful redesign project."

    • Do keyword research.
       Consider words being used by your customers, at conferences, etc. Take a look at your old site’s analytics to determine which keywords have been bringing traffic from the search engines, especially traffic that converts into real business. Also consider third party tools like Google’s Search-based keyword toolSeo Book’s Keyword Suggestion Tool. And don’t forget Google Trends.
       How long should your keyword list be? That depends on your business model. But in most circumstances, a list of 20-30 is a great start.
    • Testing. Try to break it before the site is launched. 
       Get a large group of people you trust to poke around, find broken links, etc. Use various browsers, operating systems, look at it on a smart phone.

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  • May 28, 11

    "A Daily Ranking of Marketing Blogs"

    The best marketing blogs, many of which I read, but really, who has time to read or follow 150 of them?

  • May 28, 11

    "Facebook Gets Roasted By Google, Twitter & Foursquare [VIDEO]"

    Warning: a little raunchy

    • Facebook Gets Roasted By Google, Twitter & Foursquare [VIDEO]
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