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Sahil M's List: Tipping Point #2 Operation Desert Storm

  • Apr 30, 12

    Blood, Sweat, and Sun. Those three words can summarize the events and actions taken up by the coalition forces during the events of Operation Desert Storm where upon a US Led coalition was tasked to liberate the Iraqi occupied nation of Kuwait. The operation was launched on February 24th with the mobilization of Coalition Ground Forces into occupied Kuwait. Though almost ten days prior Coalition Fighters based on sea and air bases in Saudi Arabia had been destroying strategic Iraqi instillations in and around Baghdad. This allowed for the destruction of the Iraqi Air Force and the ultimate "softening" if the rest of the Iraqi Armed Forces.

  • Result of Desert Shield

    Freed Kuwait from Iraqi Occupation

    Intense strikes on Baghdad

    Highway of Hell term coined

    Colin Powell & Normal Schwaroff Commanders of the Operation

    President George Bush Commander in Chief

    Saddam went into Kuwait for (4th largest oil reserve, thought they were stealing oil from the Rumaila (Iraq) Oil Field, Kuwait should be the 19th state.)

    PLO Support.

    US wanted war to protect arab assets.

    Saddam sent SCUD Missiles into Israel to drag them into the war.

    Pres. Bush didn't go further into Iraq as he though it would make matters worse.

  • May 01, 12

    Bratman, Fred. War in the Persian Gulf. 1st ed. Brookfield:

    The Millbrook Press, 1991. Print.

    August 2nd, 1990. Iraqi forces swept into Kuwait.

    Entire invasion took less than six hours.

    Emir Jabir al-Ahmad al-Sabah fled the country with his family and advisors to Saudi Arabia.

    (Page 5)

    24 hours and 70,000 troops later. Almost 100,000 Iraqi troops were on the border of Saudi Arabia.

    If Iraq were to take Saudi Arabia, Iraq would control the world's most oil rich nation.

    Even with Saudi's sophisticated and advanced military equipment; they were no match for Iraq.

    The rest of the world placed heavy sanctions on Iraq and the UN voted to condemn Saddam's actions.

    President Bush called Iraq's move "Naked Aggression"

    President Bush froze American Assets in Iraq. (Money in banks and such.)

    -Another six warships joined the American Fleet in the Gulf.

    No American troops were on ground, but Bush made it clear he would enforce the policy of the prior two presidents to defend Saudi if they were attacked.

    (Page 6)

    Saddam took foreign prisoners from the various international embassies in Kuwait. He sent the many American, Japanese, British, French, Italians, and Irish prisoners to key Iraqi sites of interest. Such as military bases, dams, and factories as human shields agains the Coalition forces

    (Page 38)

    President Bush made a daring move by increasing the number of American Troops in the region to more than 400,000. He also said that the larger number of troops was for "an adequate military option"

    This now showed that the Americans would use force if needed to get Iraq out of Kuwait.

    An additional three divisions of armor (tanks) were sent to Saudi Arabia, as well as 40,000 Marines, and more aircraft carrier battle groups to join the current Gulf Fleet.

    There were almost 15,000 women in the Gulf as part of the American Force.

    (Page 41)

    The UN drafted a resolution (678) set January 15 as the date where Iraq would withdraw from Kuwait.

    Saddam rejected the resolution in Baghdad and said he would keep his grasp over Kuwait even if it spelled war.

    Saddam also said that thousands of American soldiers would die in the sands of Kuwait.

    He finally made a shocking decision and let all the foreigners go home.

    On January 17th, Coalition air strikes strafed Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Desert Shield had become Desert Storm.

    The Iraqi capital was a light with the fires of anti aircraft guns and explosions.

    (Page 53)

    The result of the strikes were the almost complete knock out of the Iraqi Air Force and various missile sites.

    Saddam came out the day after proclaiming the Coalition would be met by the "the mud of defeat and surrender"

    Saddam was so bold to even fire a few SCUD Missiles at Israel to force them to join the conflict.

    (Page 54)

    In less than 100 hours the capital city of Kuwait City.

    February 27th the city was in Coalition control with 100,000 Iraqi P.O.W's.

    President Bush was rushed into a cabinet to discuss the future of the operation since all military objectives were taken.

    President Bush made a statement that since Kuwait is liberated and Iraq's army is defeated our military objectives are met with success. The Kuwaitis are in control of their own country.

    (Page 59)

    Diplomats had now declared that a peace in the Middle East would ensure due to the defeat of Iraq's military.

    89% of its artillery, 49% of its aircraft, and more than a 100,000 of its soldiers.

    149 Coalition soldiers had been killed with another 513 wounded.

    Kuwait had been ravaged and its Oil Wells set ablaze by Iraq.

    Saddam was still in power but revolts broke out against him. His future was to remain unclear.

    Some still debate that the use of force was not necessary at all.

    This war showed how well the United Nations could handle a global crises.

    This war also helped show the Palestinian Plight through the indirect actions of Iraq.

    Restored a sense of pride in the American Armed Forces

    Finally US Soldier's had come home to a hero's welcome.

    (Page 60)

    • The American, British, French, Saudi and Kuwaiti aircraft took off at 2330 GMT last night.  

       Their bombs were aimed at military and strategic targets, including an oil refinery and Baghdad airport.  

      At least 400 raids took place. Latest reports say all the Allied aircraft have returned home safely, although France says four of its planes were hit.

      • US, BRIT, Fr. Planes strike various Iraqi military targets at 2330 GMT
        All come home (4 Fr. Planes hit)
        400 raids took place

    8 more annotations...

    • On the morning of August 2, 1990 the mechanized infantry, armor, and tank units of the Iraqi Republican Guard invaded Kuwait and seized control of that country.  The invasion triggered a United States response, Operation DESERT SHIELD, to deter any invasion of Kuwait's oil rich neighbor, Saudi Arabia.  On August 7, deployment of U.S. forces began.  United Nations Security Council Resolutions 660 and 662 condemned Iraq's invasion and annexation and called for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces.  On August 20 President Bush signed National Security Directive 45, "U.S. Policy in Response to the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait," outlining U.S. objectives - which included the "immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait," and the "restoration of Kuwait's legitimate government to replace the puppet regime installed by Iraq."1
      • Aug. 2 Iraq invades Kuwait. 
        UN Resolution 660 and 662 told Iraq to get out.
        NSD 45 called for almost instant withdrawal of Iraqi
        UN Resolution 678 if Iraq did not get out a US lead coalition was authorized to remove them by force
        Feb 27 Kuwait liberated

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  • Liberated Kuwait

    Protected Saudi from Iraqi invasion

    International Arab Assets were protected

    Paved the way for operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003

    Lead to a changing of views on Iraq

    Allowed for a firm American presence to be set up in the Gulf

    Stopped Saddam from draining the country of all its national resources

    Decimated Iraqi military forces that disallowed them to be a major factor in the Gulf.

    • Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, ordered his army across the border into tiny Kuwait. This was no ordinary act of aggression. Iraq's army was well equipped. The United States had provided massive military aid to Iraq during their eight-year war with Iran, giving them the fourth largest army in the world.
      • Saddam invades Kuwait
        US had supplied Iraqi Armed Forces duing Iran Iraq War

    20 more annotations...

      • Iraq invades Kuwat resulting in Desert Shield

      • raq invades Kuwait, Aug. 2, 1990. 
      • Operation Desert Shield begins, Aug. 7. 

    11 more annotations...

  • Apr 30, 12

    The resulting effects of Operation Desert Storm was the removal of Iraqi Forces in Occupied Kuwait. This was achieved by the US led Coalition in almost less than 100 hours. This was a tactical victory for the Coaliation Forces in particular the Americans as this was the largest American Military Operation next to Vietnam. This allowed for renewed hope and patriotism in the Armed Forces as well as it brought a new look upon the MIddle East. This also brought about the beginning of the end for the Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein.

  • Print:

    Bratman, Fred. War in the Persian Gulf. 1st ed. Brookfield:

    The Millbrook Press, 1991. Print.


    BBC, . "1991 "Mother of all Battles Begins"." On this Day 1950-2005. British Broadcasting Company, 1991. Web. 2 May 2012. .

    Richelson, Jeffrey T.. "Operation Desert Storm Ten Years Later." The National Security Archive . Independence Hall Association, 17/1/2001. Web. 2 May 2012. .

    US Department of Defense, . "Operation Desert Shield/Storm Timeline." News: News Articles. Department of Defense, 1991. Web. 2 May 2012. .

    US, . "60a. Operation Desert Storm." Toward a New Millennium . Independence Hall Association, 2008. Web. 2 May 2012. .

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