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Sahil M's List: HIST-Iwo Jima TP.

    • For the 70,000 Americans, Iwo Jima   was the step to the Japanese heartland and to the end of an awful   war. For the 22,000 Japanese defenders, Iwo Jima was the defense of   their very hearths and homes as it was part of the Tokyo Imperial   Prefecture (county). It was assaulted by the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine   Divisions of the Fifth Marine Amphibious Corps, which included supporting   sea and air units.
      Iwo Jima was the only Marine battle   where the American casualties, 26,000, exceeded the Japanese -- most   of the 22,000 defending the island. The 6,800 American servicemen   killed doubled the deaths of the Twin-Towers of 9/11.
      • For the Americans Iwo was a step away from Japan. For the Japanese it was the last line of defense. Assaulted by the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Marine Divisions. Iwo was the only Marine battle in history where the number of American casualties (26,000) was larger than the Japanese where most of the 22,000 defenders perished.

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    • D-Day February 19, 1945 

      Shortly before 2am on Feb. 19, 1945, the Navy's big guns opened up on Iwo Jima again, signaling the beginning of D-Day. After an hour of punishment, the fire was lifted, leaving Iwo smoking as if the entire island were on fire.

      • The landings started February 19, 1945. Navy shelled the entire island in preparation for the Marine landings. 

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    • Japanese soldiers turned the volcanic island into a trap, fighting from a maze of tunnels and steel bunkers beneath Mt. Suribachi. The Battle of Iwo Jima lasted 36 days and resulted in heavy casualties before the Marines secured the island.
      • Iwo, was hell for the Marines. Japanese fighting from reinforced bunkers and tunnels. Total battle lasted 36 days and numerous casualties were taken on both sides.

    • Incredibly, this ferocious bombardment had little effect. Hardly any of the Japanese underground fortresses were touched. Twenty-one thousand defenders of Japanese soil, burrowed in the volcanic rock of Iwo Jima, anxiously awaited the American invaders.
      • The three day bombardment had little effect on the entrenched Japanese. The 21,000 Japanese were ready for the Marines.

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      • The main points of the Japanese Strategy. 1) Japanese attacked the Marines from underground emplacements. 1500 rooms in the rock across 16 miles of tunnels. 2) The Japanese were to defend Iwo till the last man. 3) Each Japanese soldier was to kill 10 Marines before they themselves died.

    • No foreign army in Japan's 5000 year history had successfully trod on Japanese soil. To the US, Iwo Jima's importance lay in its location, midway between Japan and American bomber bases in the Marianas. Since the summer of 1944, the Japanese home islands had been reeling from strikes by the new, long range B-29's. The US, however, had no protective fighters with enough range to escort the big superfortresses. many bombers fell prey to Japanese fighter-interceptor attacks. Iwo, with its three airfields, was ideally located as a fighter-escort station. It was also an ideal sanctuary for crippled bombers returning from Japan.

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  • Known Information on the battle of Iwo Jima

    Important battle in the Pacific theatre.

    Marines invaded against a japanese force told to survive until the last man.

    One of the last important battles of World War II.

    Tipping point in favor of the Americans.

    Famous flag raised on the highest point in the island.

    Japanese fought the invading Marines from entrenched positions under the ground.

    No, flanks or fields of fire the enemy was everywhere.

    Heavy casualties on both sides.

    The island was to be used as an emergency landing base for American long range bombers.

    The Japanese survived an immense bombarding from the American Navy.

    Bloodiest battle for the Americans.

    Was an American victory in the end at a huge cost.

  • Feb 21, 12

    Introduction to TP:

    On a cold and rainy February morning, the largest amphibious landing in the Pacific Theatre was underway. The Marine landing of Iwo Jima had been set in motion. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 the United States had been drawn into another World War. With the war in Europe almost at close it now rested upon the United States Navy and Marine Corps, to clear out the ever-spreading Japanese. With decisive battles such as Midway and Guadalcanal already won by the Allied Forces in the Pacific it was time to close the nose around the Japanese War machine. The first of the deathblows to Japan was Iwo Jima. The battle that ensured on those eight square miles of the ash-covered island was the tipping point in the Pacific Campaign.

  • Feb 21, 12

    Conclusion to TP:

    -In the end, Iwo Jima was the only battle in Marine History where the casualties of the Marines outweighed that of the defending Japanese. With Iwo Jima captured Okinawa was soon to follow in its wake. From there the Atomic Bombs Little Boy and Fat Man were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Which brought out the end of the war. If not for the courageous actions of the Marines, Navy, and Air Force Iwo Jima would have stood resilient and the Japanese Mainland would have had to been invaded costing an estimate of one million American lives.

  • Feb 21, 12

    • The main points of the Japanese Strategy. 1) Japanese attacked the Marines from underground emplacements. 1500 rooms in the rock across 16 miles of tunnels. 2) The Japanese were to defend Iwo till the last man. 3) Each Japanese soldier was to kill 10 Marines before they themselves died.
    • Iwo was Japanese home soil. No foreign army had trod on Japanese soil in 5,000 years. The Americans wanted it to act as a landing base for damaged American Bombers (B-29's). With no protective escorts for the bombers, Iwo with its location between the Marianas and Japan. Iwo had three airfields which made it an ideal candidate for such a base.
    • General Kuribayashi was told if the Americans suffer enough casualties trying to take Japanese soil they would retreat and not launch another attack.
    • The three day bombardment had little effect on the entrenched Japanese. The 21,000 Japanese were ready for the Marines.
    • The Marine landing force was 110,00 in 880 ships. It took 40 days for the ships to travel from Hawaii to Iwo
    • The landings started February 19, 1945. Navy shelled the entire island in preparation for the Marine landings.
    • Wave 1 of Marines landed at 8:30 A.M. Under heavy fire by Japanese. Due to the nature of the Volcanic Ash that covered the island. Marines were unable to dig into the island
    • One hundred thousand men fighting on an island less than 8 miles.
    • Mt. Suribachi was the highest point at 550 feet. From here the Japanese could see everything around them. Thus, they could effectively shell the Marines. Blockhouses and Pillboxes could fire at the landing areas. In addition Machine gun, rockets, boat and anit-tank weapons were in place against the Marines. No where on the entire 8 square miles of Iwo was a Marine safe.
    • Japanese used their protected caves and tunnels to avoid facing the Marines in open combat.
    • Most effective methods of rooting out the Japanese were, flamethrowers, napalm, and hand grenades
    • SOURCE: SK Creations, . "Iwo Jima." Iwo SK Creations, 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2012. .
    • Iwo, was hell for the Marines. Japanese fighting from reinforced bunkers and tunnels. Total battle lasted 36 days and numerous casualties were taken on both sides.
    • SOURCE: Marines, . "Marine Corps. Timeline: Battle for Iwo Jima." Marine Corps. Decade Timeline. USMC, n.d. Web. 21 Feb 2012.
    • For the Americans Iwo was a step away from Japan. For the Japanese it was the last line of defense. Assaulted by the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Marine Divisions. Iwo was the only Marine battle in history where the number of American casualties (26,000) was larger than the Japanese where most of the 22,000 defenders perished.
    • Japanese defense lead by General Tadamichi Kuribayashi an resourceful and respect General for both the American and Japanese sides. Lieutenant Colonel Justice M. Chambers (Medal of Honor) commander of the 3rd battalion, 25th Marines, 4th Marine Division said that General Kuribayashi ordered his men to kill 10 Marine before they died.
    • Since the Japanese were underground in their fortifications, every inch of Iwo was a battle ground with no front lines, flanks, or rear. 
    • The Japanese defenders were in a series of emplacements some almost two stories down. From positions like these, the Japanese could come at the Marines from anywhere through warrens, spider holes, caves, and crevices.
    • SOURCE: O'Brien, Cyril J. "Iwo Jima Retrospective." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb 2012. .
  • Feb 21, 12

    • Commanders:(Japanese) Lt. General Tadamichi Kuribayashi. Lt. Colonel Baron Taeichi Nishi (American) Admiral Raymond Spruance. General Holland M. "Howling Mad" Smith.
    • "The fighting was the toughest the Marines ran across in one hundred and sixty-eight years."- General Holland M. Smith
    • In Spring 1944, General Kuribayashi was apponited in charge of Iwo Jima's defense. He had only 5,000 men at the time.
    • His request for reinforcements and his request was oliged he now had 23,000 men under his command.
    • Kuribayashi did not use traditional Japanese attack methods such as a Bonzai Charge. He told his men to dig in. Hundreds of pillboxes and firing positions were made. The natural island caves were enlarged and connected by a system of tunnels. Minefields were also laid across the island to stop the Americans. Kuribayashi forbade any suicidal Bonzai Charges and told his men to instead allow the Americnas to come to them. He told his men to kill 10 Americans before they died.
    • The Americans named the Invasion of Iwo Jima Operation Detachment. Three Marine divisions of Major General Schmidt's V Amphibious Corps (70,000 Marines). Admiral Spruance would provide Naval cannon cover. A bombing run of the Island was ordered. The invasion was set to be over in five days. It lasted almost 40. Three days of continous naval bombardment turned the island into a wasteland.
    • On the morning of Feburary 19th, 1945 the American landing craft went to the island.
    • The only aerial Japanese resistance was one Japanese Zero Fighter.
    • With the capturing of Iwo Jima. General LaMay's B-29's carried out a new method of attack on Japan. Many of the defensive guns on the aircraft were removed to make way for firebombs. Now Japan could be attacked during the day with fighter escorts from Iwo Jima.
    • Many vital Japanese industries and factories were destroyed as a result. 
    • The bombers attack Tokyo at night and the fires burned in an uncontrolable inferno. 
    • In the days that followed the cities of Nagoya, Kobe, and Osaka were hit. 
    • In ten days 32 miles of Japan's most imporant centers had been flattened due to the B-29's.
    • SOURCE: Hama, Larry, and Anthony Williams. The Battle of Iwo Jima: Guerrilla Warfare in the Pacific. 1st ed. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2007. Print.
  • Feb 21, 12



    Hama, Larry, and Anthony Williams. The Battle of Iwo Jima: Guerrilla Warfare in the Pacific. 1st ed. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2007. Print.


    O'Brien, Cyril J. "Iwo Jima Retrospective." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb 2012. .

    Marines, . "Marine Corps. Timeline: Battle for Iwo Jima." Marine Corps. Decade Timeline. USMC, n.d. Web. 21 Feb 2012.

    SK Creations, . "Iwo Jima." Iwo SK Creations, 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2012. .

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