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Nye Frank's List: Crime Victims

    • Homicide Cover up of Elder Nye Frank by DA staff and denial of Federally Funded programs for Elder Lee Frank that are law by Legislation. DA Rod Pacheco is he above the law? Legislators please check out this case. A elder 68 attacked by a 27 year old. The 68 year old zero history of fighting and very public life. The killer professionally trained and a hot head by reputation. No case number, allowed to stalk elder, all victims services and rights denied. Prejudged case by prosecutor, told not to investigate-becoming the investigator herself and judge, jury. Planted false story in newspaper. Dimaggio-Judge who transfered a elders property to Reddish family instead of his daughter as he stated publiclicaly, a personal friend of the judge Sheri Reddish. Brian Floyd the buddie high up in DA officer per Phil Reddish the killers dad campagyn manager for the DA, Sheriff, Fire Department. No case number, Fire Department putting down on record false statement, Prosecutor threatening Lee Frank 72 if she keeps pursuing case arrest her. Court now transfered for conflict of interest. Beverly Hills Fire Department step up for Nye Frank a fireman for 5 years there. - Nye Frank on 2009-10-01
    • <div id="ssb"><br/><div id="prs"><b>Web</b>&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" href=";q=causes+for+california+tort+cases&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;oe=UTF-8&amp;um=1&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;sa=N&amp;tab=wp&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;oi=property_suggestions&amp;resnum=0&amp;ct=property-revision&amp;cd=1">Books</a> <br/></div><br/><p>&nbsp;Results <b>1</b> - <b>10</b> of about <b>69,100</b> for <b><a rel="nofollow" href="/url?q=;r=67&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=dict&amp;ct=D&amp;cd=1&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sig2=Z44_s_GCQKI4RUvjbtnsNA&amp;usg=AFQjCNGwB9RQclGn-94Bb0U_KIs_TmU7eQ" title="Look up definition of causes">causes</a> <br/>for <a rel="nofollow" href="/url?q=;r=67&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=dict&amp;ct=D&amp;cd=2&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sig2=9fPdQYNaNYb45dO0kqTwqg&amp;usg=AFQjCNFFquwdXZu7nW8umTEnKgcR5SVU2g" title="Look up definition of california">california</a> <br/><a rel="nofollow" href="/url?q=;r=67&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=dict&amp;ct=D&amp;cd=3&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sig2=C8_3S0bFY-8nozgweR_3zQ&amp;usg=AFQjCNFtDrrsm7_e_7gzvfphbXGPW1sA_w" title="Look up definition of tort">tort</a> <br/><a rel="nofollow" href="/url?q=;r=67&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=dict&amp;ct=D&amp;cd=4&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sig2=FGO_Pad6rDFjoCNqbtuGOQ&amp;usg=AFQjCNFBDyH1yWSms_XsqhXPGfWzw5SwuA" title="Look up definition of cases">cases</a></b>. <br/>(<b>0.33</b> seconds)&nbsp;</p></div><br/><div id="res" class="med"><br/><p class="std">Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on <br/>"search"</p><br/><h2 class="hd">Search Results</h2><br/><div><br/><ol><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w1"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l">liibulletin: <br/>Brown v. State</a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w11"></button><button title="Remove" class="w21"></button></span><br/><div class="s">THE COURT FOUND A <em>CAUSE</em> OF ACTION FOR DAMAGES IN <br/>CONSTITUTIONAL <em>TORT</em> AND DECLARED <b>.....</b> This <em>case</em>, <br/>arising under the <em>California</em> equal protection clause, <br/><b>...</b><br><cite> - 31k - <br/></cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=1&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l"><em>California</em> Toxic <em>Tort</em> Injury <br/>Law Firm with Benzene Exposure <b>...</b></a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s">Los Angeles Toxic <em>Tort</em> Law Firm of lawyers who handle <br/><em>California</em> benzene lawsuits. <b>...</b> The Metzger Law Group has <br/>successfully litigated benzene-leukemia <em>cases</em> for <b>...</b> Exposure <br/>to benzene <em>causes</em> injury to the bone marrow and blood cells, <br/><b>...</b><br><cite>www.toxic<b>torts</b>.com/ - 24k - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=2&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0" style="MARGIN-LEFT: 3em"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l">Toxic <em>Tort Cases</em> Claims <br/>Injury lawyers <em>California</em></a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s hc">Toxic <em>Torts California</em> Injury Attorney Benzene Lawyer <br/>Benzene and Leukemia <b>...</b> The <em>causes</em> of action usually pled in <br/>products liability <em>cases</em> are strict <br/><b>...</b><br><cite>www.toxic<b>torts</b>.com/articles.shtml - 39k - <br/></cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=3&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span><br><a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;" class="fl">More <br/>results from;»</a></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l">Judicial <br/>View &gt;&gt; Court <em>Cases</em> &gt;&gt; Environmental &gt;&gt; <br/><em>California Tort</em> <b>...</b></a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s">Damages are a necessary element of a <em>tort</em> claim, and <br/>usually the last event. Looking to established strict liability and negligence <br/><em>case</em> law in <em>California</em>, <br/><b>...</b><br><cite><b>Cases</b>/Environmental/<b>California</b>-<b>Tort</b>-Claims-<wbr>for-Contribution-Require-Physical...of.../816 <br/>- 55k - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=4&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href=";pg=PA88&amp;lpg=PA88&amp;dq=causes+for+california+tort+cases&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=aLxYHgOhxD&amp;sig=-Ix5QqbAgrGn4Pun5kR-OtnWNrY&amp;hl=en&amp;ei=zqbtSZ3wJ6OMtgPw04HyAQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=book_result&amp;ct=result&amp;resnum=5" class="l">Win <br/>Your Lawsuit: A Judge's Guide to Representing Yourself in ... - Google Books <br/>Result</a><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span></h3><br/><div class="s"><span class="f">by Roderic Duncan, Alayna Schroeder - 2007 - Law - <br/>415 pages</span><br>The <em>causes</em> of action you use will depend on the <br/>facts of your <em>case</em>. <b>...</b> The <em>tort causes</em> of action among <br/>which you can choose are set out the table, <br/><b>...</b><br><cite><b>...</b></cite> <br/>-<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l"><em>California Causes</em> <br/>of Action</a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s"><em>California Causes</em> of Action delivers both the elements and <br/>the supporting decisions, <b>...</b> Maximizing Damages in Small Personal Injury <br/><em>Cases</em> $99 <b>...</b> Governmental <em>Tort</em> Liability. Wrongful <br/>Death/Survival Actions. <em>California Causes</em> of Action <br/><b>...</b><br><cite> - 50k - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=6&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l">RELEVANT <br/><em>CASES</em> AND STATUTES IN <em>TORT</em> LAW</a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s">Summary of Relevant <em>Tort</em> Law <em>Cases</em>. RELEVANT <br/><em>CASES</em> AND STATUTES IN <em>TORT</em> LAW <b>...</b> Regents of <br/>University of <em>California</em>, 5651 P.2d 334 (Cal. 1976) <b>...</b> 69) <br/>Under the rule involving concurrent <em>causes</em>, when two events jointly <br/><em>cause</em> harm, a <br/><b>...</b><br><cite>www.<b>californiatort</b><b>TORTS</b>_OUTLINE_VOL_100_CH_001_SEC_<wbr>0000_Par_0000_APPENDIX_RELEVANT_<b>CASE</b>... <br/>- 25k - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=7&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l"><em>California</em> <br/>Toxic <em>Tort</em> Lawyer, Toxic <em>Tort</em> Attorney <em>California</em>, <br/><em>CA</em> <b>...</b></a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s"><em>California</em> Toxic <em>Tort</em> Legal News - Recent Toxic <br/><em>Tort</em> Exposure <em>Cases</em> and the <b>...</b> And it has far too many <br/><em>causes</em> over far too many years to now blame one <br/><b>...</b><br><cite><b>california</b>-toxic-<b>tort</b>-lawyer-toxic-<b>tort</b>-attorney-<wbr><b>california</b>-<b>ca</b>-toxic-<b>tort</b>-lawyer-<b>ca</b>-<b>tort</b>-attorney.html <br/>- 72k - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=8&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l">San Francisco Personal Injury <br/>Attorney in <em>California</em> - Law Offices <b>...</b></a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s">The key to the statute of limitations in toxic <em>tort cases</em> <br/>is understanding what is meant by “accrual” of a <em>cause</em> of action. Under <br/><em>California</em> law, a <em>cause</em> of <br/><b>...</b><br><cite> - 25k - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=9&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">Cached</a> <br/>- <a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div><br/><li class="g w0"><span class="b w xsm">[PDF]</span> <br/><h3 class="r"><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="l">“But For” Causation <br/>in Defective Drug and Toxic Exposure <em>Cases</em> <b>...</b></a></h3><span style="DISPLAY: inline-block"><button title="Promote" class="w10"></button><button title="Remove" class="w20"></button></span><br/><div class="s"><span class="f">File Format:</span> PDF/Adobe Acrobat - <a rel="nofollow" href=";cd=10&amp;hl=en&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=us">View <br/>as HTML</a><br><em>causes</em> -- but many drug and toxic <em>tort cases</em> <br/>involve concurrent dependent <b>...</b> manufacturers in <em>California</em> <br/>toxic <em>tort</em> and prescription drug <em>cases</em> should at <br/><b>...</b><br><cite> - </cite><span class="gl"><a rel="nofollow" href=";rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;">Similar <br/>pages</a> -<button title="Comment" class="wci" style="DISPLAY: inline"></button></span></div><br/><div class="wce"></div></li><br/><div></div></ol></div><br/><div id="wrz" class="e" style="DISPLAY: none">You have removed results from this <br/>search. <span><button title="-" class="wpb" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -126px -78px"></button><span class="link std">Hide <br/>them</span></span></div><br/><div id="wrm" class="std" style="DISPLAY: none">Loading...</div><br/><ol id="wrg" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN-LEFT: 3em"></ol></div><br clear="all"><br/><table align="center" id="nav" style="MARGIN: auto auto 1.4em; DIRECTION: ltr; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><br/><tbody><br/><tr valign="top"><br/><td class="b"><span class="csb" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -26px 0px; WIDTH: 18px"></span><br/><td class="cur"><span class="csb" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -44px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>1<br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=10&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>2</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=20&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>3</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=30&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>4</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=40&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>5</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=50&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>6</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=60&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>7</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=70&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>8</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=80&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>9</a><br/><td><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=90&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -60px 0px; WIDTH: 16px"></span>10</a><br/><td class="b"><a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;start=10&amp;sa=N"><span class="csb ch" style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: -76px 0px; WIDTH: 66px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 34px"></span>Next</a></tr></tbody></table><br/><div id="wml" style="TEXT-ALIGN: center"><span id="wnz"><button class="wpb"></button><span class="link">Add a result</span></span> - <a rel="nofollow" href=";usg=__xFGNOsLTciUNzD9iNiHi6VBL-pY=&amp;hl=en">See <br/>all my SearchWiki notes</a> - <a rel="nofollow" href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=1W1ADBR_en&amp;swm=2">See <br/>all notes for this SearchWiki</a> - <a rel="nofollow" href=";answer=115764">Learn <br/>more</a></div>
  • Apr 21, 09

    Maryland passed a statute that enables victims of violent crimes to apply for “leave to appeal” any final order that denies victims their basic rights. (See Maryland Code Ann., Art. 27, §776 [1993], [ND p 43/90].)
    Arizona enacted a law that “grants victims the right to challenge post-conviction release decisions resulting from hearings at which they were denied the opportunity to receive notice, attend, or be heard” (Arizona Rev. Stat. Ann., §13-4437 [West 1991], [ND p 43/91]).
    Arizona law gives victims the right to sue for money damages from any government entity responsible for the “intentional, knowing or grossly negligent violation” of victims’ rights (Arizona Rev. Stat. Ann., §13-4437 [West 1991], [ND p 43/91]).
    Court-ordered injunctions and writs of mandamus are available to force criminal justice personnel to respond to willful violations of victims’ rights laws.
    Several states have an Office of the Crime Victims Ombudsman, which is charged with investigating statutory violations of victims’ rights laws and mistreatment of victims by criminal justice officials.
    Colorado has a statewide coordinating committee that serves as an ombudsman for victims’ rights implementation.
    Wisconsin law offers penalties for the willful violation of crime victims’ rights.

    • 8. Right To Apply for  Compensation (for Violent Crime Victims)


      Victim compensation programs reimburse  violent crime victims for  crime-related expenses that are not covered by collateral sources—such as  medical costs, mental health counseling, funeral and burial costs, and lost  wages or support (Seymour and Beatty, in press). Victims of violent crime may  suffer financial stress that can be as devastating as their physical injuries  and emotional trauma. Recovering from violence or abuse is difficult enough  without having to worry about how to pay for the costs of medical care and  counseling or how to replace lost income due to disability or death.

        • Maryland passed a statute that enables  victims of violent crimes  to apply for “leave to appeal” any final order that denies victims their basic rights.  (See Maryland Code Ann., Art. 27, §776 [1993], [ND p 43/90].)  
        • Arizona enacted a law that “grants victims the right to challenge  post-conviction release decisions resulting from hearings at which they were  denied the opportunity to receive notice, attend, or be heard” (Arizona Rev.  Stat. Ann., §13-4437 [West 1991], [ND p 43/91]).  
        • Arizona law gives victims the right to sue for money  damages from any government entity responsible for the “intentional, knowing or  grossly negligent violation” of victims’ rights (Arizona  Rev. Stat. Ann., §13-4437 [West 1991], [ND p 43/91]).  
        • Court-ordered injunctions and writs of  mandamus are available to force criminal justice personnel to respond to willful  violations of victims’  rights laws.  
        • Several states have an Office of the  Crime Victims Ombudsman,  which is charged with investigating statutory violations of victims’ rights laws and  mistreatment of victims  by criminal justice officials.  
        • Colorado has a statewide coordinating  committee that serves as an ombudsman for victims’ rights  implementation.  
        • Wisconsin law offers penalties for the  willful violation of crime victims’ rights.  

    1 more annotation...

    • In traditional justice systems, victimsof aggression have usually found support and assistance from their family, village
      or tribe. The informal social network softens the impact of victimization and assists the victim in recovery. This same network
      often assists in the resolution of the conflict and in ensuring that any decisions made are actually implemented. Within this
      context, it is taken for granted that the victim (and his or her kin), the victimizer (and his or her kin) and the entire social group
      will share the burden of dealing with the conflict.
      - Nye Frank on 2009-04-22
    • We did not have this because of the stalking allowed by Reddish family - Nye Frank on 2009-04-22
    • on the family’s financial position.
      Research shows that the shock waves from victimization touch not only the victimbut also the victim’s immediate family
      and relatives,neighbours and acquaintances. This holds true for the emotional as well as the financial consequences, and the
      effects can endure for years or even a lifetime. In the case of genocide, child abuse, exposure to violence and abuse of power,
      the effects can be passed on from one generation to the next. While this is to be expected in connection with offences such as
      murder, torture and rape, the crimes of assault, robbery and burglary can also leave lasting feelings of powerlessness, insecurity,
      anger and fear. Not only individuals but also communities and organizations can be victimized, leading to their deterioration
      over time as confidence ebbs, fear increases and the economic burden of victimization becomes insupportable.
      The effects of victimization strike particularly hard at the poor, the powerless, the disabled and the socially isolated.
      Research shows that those already affected by prior victimization are particularly susceptible to subsequent victimization by
      the same or other forms of crime. These repeat victims are often found in many countries to reside in communities with high
      crime levels and are also a common phenomenon during times of war.
      - Nye Frank on 2009-04-22
  • Apr 22, 09

    Oregon Crime Victim Rights Compliance Portal

    Crime Victim's Compensation Program

    Attorney General's Sexual Assault Task Force

    Crime Victim

    • Most programs process claims through a staff centralized in one office in  the state capital, but a few states have branch or regional offices or make use  of locally based individuals in other agencies to perform preliminary work on  applications, such as gathering documents. 


      Typically, states request and analyze police reports to confirm that a crime  took place and to determine whether the victim was involved in any  illegal or contributory activity when victimized. Information from service  providers like hospitals, doctors, counselors, and funeral homes, as well as  employers if work loss is claimed, forms the basis for benefit determinations. 


      Decision-making authority varies from state to state, with about a third of  the states using part-time boards or commissions to determine eligibility and  awards, and the rest authorizing full-time administrative staff (usually program  directors) to make determinations. In three court-based programs, judges or  court officials decide claims.
      • Most programs process claims through a staff centralized in one office in the state capital, but a few states have branch or regional offices or make use of locally based individuals in other agencies to perform preliminary work on applications, such as gathering documents.

        Typically, states request and analyze police reports to confirm that a crime took place and to determine whether the victim was involved in any illegal or contributory activity when victimized. Information from service providers like hospitals, doctors, counselors, and funeral homes, as well as employers if work loss is claimed, forms the basis for benefit determinations.

        Decision-making authority varies from state to state, with about a third of the states using part-time boards or commissions to determine eligibility and awards, and the rest authorizing full-time administrative staff (usually program directors) to make determinations. In three court-based programs, judges or court officials decide claims.

      Add Sticky Note
    • All of the programs are authorized to deny or reduce benefits to people who  are injured while committing crimes or engaging in substantial misconduct  contributing to their victimization. Programs rely primarily on police reports  to make these determinations, and expend considerable effort to make careful and  appropriate decisions on these issues. Five state compensation laws also  authorize denial based on  prior criminal activity unrelated to the current victimization. 


      The eligibility of a victim's dependents or other secondary victims  generally hinges on the eligibility of the "direct" victim (the one who suffered  the injury or death). For example, if a homicide victim was engaged in  criminal activity, the family generally would be ineligible for any benefits. 


      Each state operates under its own law, rules, policies and procedures, and  while all of the programs share broadly similar eligibility requirements, it's  important for those accessing any program to check with the individual state to  learn exactly how it operates.
    • All of the programs are authorized to deny or reduce benefits to people who are injured while committing crimes or engaging in substantial misconduct contributing to their victimization. Programs rely primarily on police reports to make these determinations, and expend considerable effort to make careful and appropriate decisions on these issues. Five state compensation laws also authorize denial based on prior criminal activity unrelated to the current victimization.

      The eligibility of a victim's dependents or other secondary victims generally hinges on the eligibility of the "direct" victim (the one who suffered the injury or death). For example, if a homicide victim was engaged in criminal activity, the family generally would be ineligible for any benefits.

      Each state operates under its own law, rules, policies and procedures, and while all of the programs share broadly similar eligibility requirements, it's important for those accessing any program to check with the individual state to learn exactly how it operates.
      - Nye Frank on 2009-04-22
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