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sandi jacques's List: Nature Questions

  • Jun 27, 09

    If you’ve ever watched the show Friends, you probably remember that Chandler and Joey kept a chicken and a duck as pets in their New York apartment. Now, the city is NOT the place for a duck – ducks prefer to be waddling around inside, sleeping in the

      • Ducklings IMPRINT on people immediately. They look to  you as their Mom. Be prepared to teach and train them, and to care for them  properly.
      • Ducklings are very social animals, so never get just  one. They need at least one companion, but preferably three or four.
    • If your duck is small, he or she (you won't be able to determine the gender until your animal is much older) will attach to you, the primary care taker in a simple relationship. You will substitute as mother, sibling, and lover through the animal's lifetime. The animal will love you, trust you, and, if  a male, bite you for love and bite you to establish dominance.
    • Imprinting ==========  So, you wish to have a little duck that is totally, heart and soul, devoted to you and only you. No problem. Get a hatchling duck and spend lots of time with it, and that's what will happen when the animal imprints on you (and humans).  Older hatchlings can still bond to humans if they are the primary caretakers, but the initial imprinting happens shortly after hatching.
    • After two or three months the eggs hatch and the  young, now the size of 25-cent pieces, dig out and find their way to  water. Some of the baby painteds stay in the ground until the following  spring. Turtle eggs are white with tough leathery shells. Most kinds  have oblong eggs but those of the snapper and the soft-shell are round  as Ping-Pong balls and bounce almost as well.
      • Oblong == Eastern Painted Turtle
        Round == Snapper

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