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Brenda Branson's List: Podcasts and Blogs

    • PLA 2008 Day 1: Take Your Online Services to the Next Level: Audio, Video and More!

      from David Lee King by

      Speaker: Michelle Jeske


      Why - make connections with a new audience.


      Sunnyvale public library podcasts - audio and video broadcasts… cool! Nice looking site - blog-based


      Charlotte and Mecklenberg example - LibraryLoft author presentation


      NYPL example (they’re really been transforming lately - fun to watch)


      Denver Public Library
      - Stories for Kids podcasts
      - teen tech week - podcasts created by teens - they let teens use library equipment
      - children making stop motion animation
      - Summer of Reading video - fun!
      - doing screencasting, too


      Boulder Public Library teen webcasts - looks like they’re using Gcast


      KCPL Bluford Branch podcasts in Myspace and Internet Archive


      Edmonton Public Library’s YouTube channel - lots of puppet shows


      Allen County Public Library’s zombie video


      Seattle Public has some tutorials on youtube!!!


      DPL - created a podcasting studio in a closet, added foam and burlap, etc.


      National Poetry Month - one a day from staff


      Cell phone video contest - they want to do this


      YouTube Channel - working on that and a Facebook page


      Want to feature local artists and bands


      They have some staff that have “a following” - they’re wanting to get those staff to do more audio/video so they can continue to develop that presence online

  • Mar 29, 08

    10 Web 2.0 Tasks in 10 Minutes

    March 27th, 2008

    Stephen Downes at eLearn Magazine identifies Ten Web 2.0 Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes to Be a More Successful E-learning Professional. Here’s what made his list:

    1. Listen to a conference presentation.
    2. Record a 10-minute presentation about something you are working on.
    3. Do a search on the title of your most recent post.
    4. Write a blog post or article describing something you’ve learned recently.
    5. Tidy your e-portfolio.
    6. Create a slide on Zoho.
    7. Find a blogger you currently read in your RSS reader and go to their website.
    8. Write a comment on a blog post, article, or book.
    9. Go to a website like Engadget, Metafilter, Digg, Mixx, Mashable, or Hotlinks.
    10. Catch up on one of your online games with a colleague.

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